Aarhus University Seal

F1. Number of full-time staff 2013, categorised by faculty and position

Positions Professor Lektor/senior­-forsker/senior-rådgiver


Ph.d. Other VIP VIP, total
Faculty of Arts               63                    316            120            129            132            760            113            209         1.082
Faculty of Science and Technology            119                    471            356            505            202         1.652               77            898         2.627
Faculty of Health               84                    148            125            345            114            816            121            522         1.460
School of Business and Social Sciences            132                    195            104            188            101            719            184            194         1.098
The central administration                 2                         3                 2                 1                 3               10                 1         1.940         1.951
Aarhus University, total            399                 1.133            706         1.167            551         3.957            496         3.764         8.217

Key to figure:

Prof. = Professor
Lektor = Associate professor
Senior-forsker = Senior researcher
Seniorrådgiver = Senior adviser
Adjunkt = Assistant professor
Post.doc. = Postdoctoral scholar
Ph.d. = PhD
VIP = Academic staff
DVIP = Part-time academic staff
TAP = Technical-administrative staff