Aarhus University Seal

F2. Distribution of staff by age, end of 2013

Age group Professor Lektor/-senior-forsker


Ph.d. Other VIP VIP, total
DVIP TAP AU, total
< 30 0 0 76 588 91 755 117 523 1.396
30-39 12 163 516 530 209 1.430 68 808 2.306
40-49 113 450 92 46 97 797 94 1.009 1.900
50-59 151 332 19 3 91 597 107 987 1.692
+ 60 123 188 2 0 64 378 108 438 923
399 1.133 706 1.167 552 3.957 496 3.764 8.217

Key to figure

Prof. = Professor
Lektor = Associate professor
Adjunkt = Assistant professor
Post.doc = Postdoctoral scholar
Ph.d. = PhD
VIP = Academic staff
DVIP = Part-time academic staff
TAP = Technical and administrative staff