AU and the EU
In connection with the Danish Presidency of the EU, AU is hosting a number of events.
In connection with the Danish Presidency of the EU, on 18-20 April Aarhus University is hosting an international conference entitled “Excellence 2012”, focusing on excellence in research and talent development, among other things. In connection with the conference, the Albert Einstein World Award of Science and the José Vasconcelos World Award of Education will be presented.
The conference will be held in collaboration with the Danish government, and 450 participants are expected to attend.
The organisers expect Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science), Morten Østergaard (Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education) and Nicolai Wammen (Danish Minister for European Affairs) to attend the Excellence Conference on 18-20 April 2012.
Debate meetings
AU will also be hosting five public debate meetings in April-June, the goal of which is to attract the general public, upper-secondary schools and students to join in a range of fascinating discussions about the future of the welfare state, the green growth agenda and other issues. The meetings will be held in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Folkeuniversitetet.
The great debate 2012
Discuss global challenges and find new, innovative solu-tions. This is the task facing a major conference to be held on 1-3 June at which students, journalists, think tanks and NGOs will be given the opportunity to discuss the big challenges facing the world today.
Industrial Technologies 2012
On 19-21 June iNANO and Spinverse are organising a conference at the Scandinavian Congress Centre at which politicians, representatives of industry and research managers will be considering how Europe can contribute to innovation, job creation and improved competitiveness within strong research areas.
Up to about 1,000 participants are expected to attend.