Spring excursions
Aarhus is one of the greenest cities in Denmark, a place where you only have to walk or cycle a few hundred metres to get to the nearest woods, beaches and cycle tracks. Here is a brief UNIvers guide to help you find the quickest way to get out into the spring countryside that surrounds Aarhus on all sides.

Grab your bike or running shoes, leave the constraints of your room and make the most of those sunny days to come. There really is no excuse to stay inside when the sun is shining and the days are longer. So why not enjoy the colourful and lush surroundings that springtime in Aarhus has to offer?
Brabrand Stien
This cycle track takes you on a 15 km trip around Lake Braband, linking up with a track into the city if you want a longer ride. It’s perfect for a spring outing through truly beautiful Danish countryside. Along the way you’ll pass green meadows, cows, horses, woods and of course the lake itself.
For easy access to the track, take Damagervej (off Viby Ringgade). Then turn on Damtoften, under the motorway. Take a left onto Norringholmsvej, and at the end of the road you will find the track. You can also start from the old Aarhus City Museum on Carl Blochs Gade in the city centre, from where a cycle track will also take you out to the lake. You can walk or jog as well of course, and a round trip from this point in the centre of the city is about 28 kilometres.
Marselisborg Forest and the beaches to the south
This cycle track follows the coastline to the south. Along the way you’ll pass the harbour, several beaches, and the Queen’s palace and gardens. You will also go past the Deer Park, where you might like to stop and have a look at the deer. The track is perfect and very popular for running, walking or biking.
The coastal route begins at Chr. Filtenborgs Plads near the Marselis Marina. But actually you can simply follow the cycle track along the coast road leading out south of the city: You really can’t miss it if you stick by the sea. It leads to Marselisborg Forest, Skovmøllen and back, totalling about 17 km altogether. After a wonderful ride through Marselisborg Forest and past the Deer Park, you might like to end up at one of the most popular bathing beaches in Aarhus: Ballehage. And if you turn off on the coast road just before you get to the forest you’ll find the Memorial Garden, where there is a monument to the fallen in the First World War; and Marselisborg Palace, which is the summer residence of the Danish Queen. When the Queen is in residence there are guards at the front gate just like the Royal Palace in Copenhagen.
Risskov and the beaches to the north
To access this path you need to find a couple of streets called Skolegade and Mejlgade just behind the cathedral, running parallel to the coast road and taking you north out of the city. After a couple of kilometres you reach Risskov Forest and the old sea-bathing facilities called Den Permanente. This is still the perfect place to stop and take a break in the sun – you can even get an ice cream, if you like. And if your legs are still ready for more, you can continue north to find even more beaches (Bellevue, for instance, where you might be lucky enough to find another ice cream.)
Hasle Bakker
This route begins in Skjoldhøjkilen not far from Skjoldhøjkollegiet and Hejredalskollegiet, where many international students live, and takes you to True Forest. The round trip is 8 kilometres. During your ride, walk or run, you will pass Hasle Bakker, which are three hills that have been created using excess landfill. Continue past Urskoven, which is a marshy forest, and remember to listen for the sound of the green frogs croaking.
Park Route
You don’t actually have to leave the city at all to get a taste of the countryside: There are three parks in the centre of Aarhus really close to the University. A round trip through the University Park, Botanical Garden and Vennelystparken is 6 kilometres. Just stick to the paved paths for the best views of the lakes and wildlife.
The University Park is best known for the ducks, and in the spring you can hardly miss the ducklings following their mothers around.
The Botanical Garden is home to more than a thousand different types of plants from all over the world. There are several different climate zones and greenhouses, and entrance is free of charge.
Vennelystparken is a direct extension of the University Park just behind the Dale T. Mortensen building, so to find it you can simply walk out of the International Centre.