Aarhus University Seal

What do the students think?

By Anna Bundgaard, Office of Communications

Students at School of Business and Social Sciences take a strong interest in Tomorrow’s AU. Many students therefore to showed up in the main hall at Fuglesangs Allé on 16 March, where Dean Svend Hylleberg presented his take on the new AU structure. For two hours, the Dean was challenged with critical questions, but many students were also full of wonder and curiosity.

Many questions focussed on the academic contents of the degree programmes, and how the existing programmes will be affected by the new department structure.

  • Will there still be differences between the MSc in Economics and Management (cand.oecon.) and the MSc programmes in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc.) when several departments are merged into the Department of Economics and Business?
  • How will it affect the social activities, such as student associations, campus bars and the study environment that all departments will soon have moved to new locations?

See some of the student responses to the Dean’s presentation.

Mette Overbeck

Janne Christensen and Rikke Wulff

Benjamin Dickow

Christoffer Strandby

Neia Randlev