Aarhus University Seal


The Rigmor and Carl Holst-Knudsen Award for Scientific Research was established on 28 May 1956 on the occasion of barrister Carl Holst-Knudsen’s 70th birthday, when he stepped down as chairman of the board of the then self-governing Aarhus University.

The award was presented for the first time in 1958. Since when – in so far as possible – it has been awarded on 28 May every year. The award was originally DKK 10,000 but has been raised to DKK 100,000 today.

The award is presented without application as a mark of respect to a Danish researcher who is primarily working or has worked at Aarhus University, and who is involved in scientific work and as a result has produced one or more significant results which hold promise for future research.

A person may only receive the award once.

Recipients of the Rigmor and Carl Holst-Knudsen Award for Scientific Research

Since 1958, the following researchers have received the Rigmor and Carl Holst-Knudsen Award for Scientific Research. The organisational affiliation in the year in question is specified for each researcher.


2015: Professor i Chemical Engineering ved Stanford University Jens Kehlet Nørskov

2015: Leder af Afdeling for Eksperimentel Onkologi ved Aarhus Universitetshospital og professor ved Aarhus Universitet Jens Overgaard (scroll down)

2014: University Reader ved University of Cambridge and professor at Universiteit Leiden Marie Louise Stig Sørensen

2014: Professor emeritus Ole Barndorff-Nielsen, Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University

2013: Professor, dr.scient. Bo Barker Jørgensen, Department of Bioscience

2013: Professor Torben G. Andersen, PhD, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Illinois

2012: Forskningsdirektør, professor, dr.med. Oluf Borbye Pedersen, The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen

2012: Professor, D.Pol.Sc. Timo Teräsvirta fra CREATES, Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University

2011: Docent, dr.phil. Lise Hannestad, Department of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics

2011: Professor, dr.scient. Flemming Besenbacher, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)

2010: Professor, ph.d. Bjarne Stroustrup, Texas A&M University, College of Engineering Chair Professor in Computer Science

2010: Professor, ph.d. Poul Nissen, Department of Molecular Biology

2009: Professor, dr.med. Jens F. Rehfeld, University of Copenhagen, Department of Clinical Biochemistry

2009: Professor, dr.scient. Bo Brummerstedt Iversen, Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center and Department of Chemistry

2008: Professor, ph.d. Lene Hau, Harvard University

2008: Lektor, ph.d. Andreas Roepstorff, PhD, Department of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics

2008: Professor, ph.d. Tim Bollerslev, Duke University

2007: Professor, ph.d. Dorthe Berntsen, Department of Psychology

2006: Lektor, dr.phil. Maria Fabricius Hansen, Department of Art History

2005: Lektor, ph.d. Lars Albinus, Section for Systematic Theology

2004: Professor Klaus Mølmer, Department of Physics and Astronomy

2003: No award due to the awarding of five of the Anniversary Foundation’s Prizes of Honour

2002: Professor, dr.med. Jens Christian Djuurhus, Department of Experimental Clinical Research

2001: Professor, ph.d. Niels Haldrup, School of Economics and Management

2000: Lektor, ph.d. Peter Bugge, Slavic Department

1998:Lektor, lic.scient. Jes Madsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy

1996: Lektor, cand.mag. et mag.art. Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen, Department of the Study of Religion

1994: Seniorstipendiat, dr.med. Vibeke E. Hjortdal, Department of Experimental Clinical Research

1993:Professor, dr.scient.pol. Peter Nannestad, Department of Social Science

1992: Lektor Uffe Østergaard, Department of History

1991: Lektor, dr.scient. Niels Peter Revsbech, Department of Genetics and Ecology

1990: Docent, dr.theol. Jan Lindhardt, Department of Ethics and Philosophy of Religion

1989: Reservelæge, dr.med. Thomas Ternowitz, Marselisborg Hospital, Department of Dermatology

1988: Professor Jørgen Graversen, Department of Private Law

1987:Adjunkt Flemming Mouritsen, course development group in humanistic research on children’s and youth culture

1986: Lektor, dr.phil. Poul Jørgensen, Department of Chemistry

1986: Lektor, dr.phil. Hans-Jørgen Schanz, Department of the History of Ideas

1986: Lektor, dr.med. Peter Leth Jørgensen, Department of Physiology

1986: Lektor, lic.oecon. Torben M. Andersen, School of Economics and Management

1986: Lektor, dr.theol. Jens Holger Schjørring, Department of Dogmatics

1984: Dr.med. Johannes Klitgaard Jakobsen, Department of Experimental Clinical Research

1982: Lektor Ib Madsen, Department of Mathematics

1980: Lektor, dr.scient.pol. Erik Damgaard, Department of Social Science

1978: Professor, dr.jur. Stig Jørgensen, Department of Jurisprudence

1976: Afdelingsleder, dr.med. Tage Hjort, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

1974: Professor, dr.philos. Kjell Johansen, Zoophysiological Laboratory

1972: Afdelingsleder Johan Fjord Jensen, Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature

1970: Docent, dr.theol. Anders Pontoppidan Thyssen, Department of Church History

1968:Overlæge, dr.med. Flemming Kissmeyer-Nielsen, Aarhus Hospital

1966:Professor, dr.jur. Poul Meyer, Department of Social Science

1965: Professor Jens Lindhard, Department of Physics

1962: Professor, dr.phil. Chr. Overgaard Nielsen, Mols Laboratory

1960: Professor, dr.phil. A. Stender-Petersen, Department of Slavonic Philology

1958: Lektor, dr.theol. Johannes Sløk, Faculty of Theology

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Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center and Department of Chemistry