Aarhus University Seal

E1. Innovation 2010-2013

         2010         2011          2012         2013
Reported inventions 49 62 61 54
Patent applications 11 33 37 14
Patents issued 0 5 4 9
License, sales and option agreements (including software) 17 8 18 13
Total portfolio of
licenses (excluding software)
21 21 50 47
Spin-out companies
4 2 5 3
Technology transfer staff (full-time equivalents) 14 16 17 18
Expenses for commercialisation (in 1.000 EUR) 1.047 970 1.00 1.104
Revenues from commercialisation (in 1.000 EUR) 491 363 437 440
Research agreements 331 336 370 381