Aarhus University Seal

G3. Expenses in 2013 categorised by main purposes (EUR thousands)

1. Education          262,9
1.1 Full-time education 148,9
1.2 Part-time education 10,8
1.3 Other study programmes 7,7
1.4 Education management and administration (central and decentralised level) 49,4
1.5 Buildings 46,1
2. Research 438,7
2.1 Research 221,9
2.2 PhD programmes 93,9
2.3 Research management and administration 54,7
2.4 Buildings 68,3
3. Communication and knowledge transfer 32,2
3.1 Communication 16,8
3.2 Knowledge transfer 5,1
3.3 Communication management and administration 4,7
3.4 Buildings 5,7
4. Research-based advice to the authorities 52,3
4.1 Research-based advice to the authorities 42,0
4.2 Management and administration of research-based public sector consultancy activities 3,9
4.3 Buildings 6,4
5. General management, administration, and service 53,7
5.1 Management and administration 45,9
5.2 Buildings 7,7
Total expenses *)             839,7

*) The total sum of the allocated expenses does not include sublease costs and balances with the Property Agency