Aarhus University Seal

Keyfigures for staff

F1A. No. employees in 2016 by faculty and job category (FTEs)


Number Professor Associate professor/senior researcher/senior adviser Assistant professor Postdoc PhD Anden VIP VIP DVIP TAP DTAP Total
Arts 77 316 68 57 120 92 730 103 329 55 1,217
Science and Technology 130 417 52 410 413 229 1,652 80 1,183 42 2,956
Health 81 161 36 98 266 64 705 144 653 19 1,522
Aarhus BSS 141 193 83 51 181 79 728 159 407 66 1,360
Shared services 4 13 3 13 0 14 46 8 685 58 798
Total 432 1,100 242 628 981 477 3,860 494 3,258 241 7,853

 See translations of abbrevations below table F3B

F1B. No. of employees in 2016 by faculty and job category


Number Professor Associate professor/senior researcher/senior adviser Assistant professor Postdoc PhD Anden VIP VIP DVIP TAP DTAP Total
Arts 82 331 76 66 128 114 797 247 362 300 1,706
Science and Technology 138 436 54 422 406 257 1,713 282 1254 251 3,500
Health 199 494 47 111 310 85 1,246 856 811 110 3,023
Aarhus BSS 150 209 87 54 184 85 769 458 449 372 2,048
Shared services 3 14 4 14 3 2 40 5 736 300 1,081
Aarhus University, total 572 1,484 268 667 1,031 543 4,565 1,848 3,612 1,333 11,358

 See translations of abbrevations below table F3B

F2A. Age distribution of employees in 2016 by job category (FTEs)


Professor Associate professor/senior researcher/senior adviser Assistant professor Postdoc PhD Anden VIP VIP DVIP TAP DTAP Total
< 30 - - 5 100 531 112 747 102 216 201 1,265
30-39 13 136 157 461 409 167 1,344 56 737 12 2,148
40-49 125 455 68 57 37 81 823 108 958 2 1,892
50-59 154 337 11 9 4 68 582 114 917 2 1,615
60+ 141 172 1 1 - 50 365 113 430 25 934
Total 432 1,100 242 628 981 477 3,860 494 3,258 241 7,853

 See translations of abbrevations below table F3B

F2B. Age distribution of employees in 2016 by job category (number of employees)


Age group Professor Associate professor/senior researcher/senior adviser Assistant professor Postdoc PhD Anden VIP VIP DVIP TAP DTAP Total
< 30 - - 6 113 543 142 804 729 286 1,221 3,040
30-39 15 164 174 479 444 190 1,466 435 851 66 2,818
40-49 137 594 75 61 40 83 990 296 1,020 19 2,325
50-59 216 467 11 12 4 73 783 224 983 12 2,002
60+ 204 259 2 2 - 55 522 164 472 15 1,173
Total 572 1,484 268 667 1,031 543 4,565 1,848 3,612 1,333 11,358

 See translations of abbrevations below table F3B

F3A. Gender distribution of employees in 2016 by job category (FTEs)


Number Professor Associate professor/senior researcher/senior adviser Assistant professor Postdoc PhD Anden VIP VIP DVIP TAP DTAP Total
Arts 77 316 68 57 120 92 730 103 329 55 1,217
Women 26 131 31 28 72 49 337 45 228 37 646
Men 51 186 37 29 49 43 393 58 101 18 571
Science and Technology 130 417 52 410 413 229 1,652 80 1,183 42 2,956
Women 14 95 17 136 168 63 493 16 664 24 1,197
Men 116 322 35 274 245 166 1,159 64 519 18 1,760
Health 81 161 36 98 266 64 705 144 653 19 1,522
Women 20 70 18 48 152 40 349 54 499 12 914
Men 60 90 18 50 114 24 355 90 154 7 607
Aarhus BSS 141 193 83 51 181 79 728 159 407 66 1,360
Women 32 73 42 25 89 34 295 43 302 39 678
Men 110 120 41 26 93 45 434 116 106 27 682
Shared services 4 13 3 13 0 14 46 8 685 58 798
Women 1 8 0 7 0 11 27 5 401 38 471
Men 2 5 3 6 0 3 19 3 285 20 327
Aarhus University, total 432 1,100 242 628 981 477 3,860 494 3,258 241 7,853
Women 93 377 108 244 480 197 1,500 163 2,093 150 3,907
Men 339 723 134 384 500 280 2,360 330 1,165 91 3,946

 See translations of abbrevations below table F3B

F3B. Gender distribution of employees in 2016 by job category (number of employees)


Number Professor Associate professor/senior researcher/senior adviser Assistant professor Postdoc PhD Anden VIP VIP DVIP TAP DTAP Total
Arts 82 331 76 66 128 114 797 247 362 300 1,706
Women 27 141 38 34 73 63 376 118 253 209 956
Men 55 190 38 32 55 51 421 129 109 91 750
Science and Technology 138 436 54 422 406 257 1,713 282 1,254 251 3,500
Women 15 97 23 153 175 74 537 73 722 133 1,465
Men 123 339 31 269 231 183 1,176 209 532 118 2,035
Health 199 494 47 111 310 85 1,246 856 811 110 3,023
Women 45 198 26 62 190 52 573 457 643 70 1,743
Men 154 296 21 49 120 33 673 399 168 40 1,280
Aarhus BSS 150 209 87 54 184 85 769 458 449 372 2,048
Women 35 83 44 28 94 40 324 168 331 229 1,052
Men 115 126 43 26 90 45 445 290 118 143 996
Shared services 3 14 4 14 3 2 40 5 736 300 1,081
Women 0 8 0 7 2 0 17 3 448 209 677
Men 3 6 4 7 1 2 23 2 288 91 404
Aarhus University, total 572 1,484 268 667 1,031 543 4,565 1,848 3,612 1,333 11,358
Women 122 527 131 284 534 229 1,827 819 2,397 850 5,893
Men 450 957 137 383 497 314 2,738 1,029 1,215 483 5,465


VIP: Academic staff
DVIP: Part-time academic staff
TAP: Technical and administrative staff
DTAP: Part-time technical and administrative staff