Aarhus University Seal

New website helps new technical and administrative staff at Health

Being a new employee in a large organisation can be difficult. But now being new to Health will hopefully be a little easier. The faculty has gathered together the information needed to help new technical-administrative employees at Health get off to a good start.

Where can I get a photo taken for my key card? How do I get to the meeting in building 1265? How is the faculty organised? New technical-administrative staff can now find answers to these questions and many others in a welcome package on Health's website.

The new website contains both information and links covering everything from relevant newsletters and information about personal data to terms of employment and the most important administrative IT systems.

The welcome package for technical-administrative staff is a counterpart to an already existing website intended for academic staff. It is intended to act as a helping hand for both new colleagues and their place of employment.

You can also visit the welcome package for academic staff, which is relevant for newly appointed academic staff at Health.

Web Coordinator Iris Brun Galili
Aarhus University, Health Communication
Mobile: (+45) 5166 6533
Email: irga@au.dk