Aarhus University Seal

The new landscape of Business and Social Sciences

Date: 03.10.2011

According to the current plan, all units at School of Business and Social Sciences will be in place at their new locations shortly after the summer of 2012.

Four known locations and one unknown form part of the current physical framework plan for School of Business and Social Sciences.

The map above outlines the new locations of School of Business and Social Sciences. The north-eastern corner of campus and the premises at Fuglesangs Allé will in future accommodate a major part of the academic environments.

To release untapped synergy potential in the area of language and communication at Aarhus University, but also to ensure sufficient student intake and research foundation for a number of minor languages, the Department of Business Communication will be located close to the departments of European languages at Arts in the Nobel Park.

AU Herning will stay at the current location, although suitable premises of approximately 2,000 square metres for accommodation of the administrative centre are yet to be found.

”The academic environments must be located close to each other to exploit the full potential of the synergies that should result from the formation of School of Business and Social Sciences. We expect that all units will have been relocated by the summer of 2012, and we aim at finding premises for the administration close to the departments and centres that will request administrative services,” says Dean Svend Hylleberg.
The physical location of School of Business and Social Sciences has been determined in accordance with the Senior Management Group’s plan for the entire Aarhus University, but premises will be extended with the construction of the new AU Arts and Business Building (nybyg.au.dk) and the acquisition of the buildings at Nørrebrogade, which currently accommodate Aarhus Hospital. The first part of AU Arts and Business Building will be ready for occupancy in 2017.

School of Business and Social Sciences will be located in the following way:

  • Department of Business Communication will be located in the Nobel Park close to the language departments at Arts
  • Department of Psychology and Human Relations and Department of Public Policy and Administration will be located on campus in buildings 1330-1351
  • Department of Business Administration will be located in buildings 1322-1326
  • Department of Law and Administration will be located in buildings 1326-1328 and 1410-15
  • Department of Economics and Business will be located at Fuglesangs Allé
  • The libraries at Fuglesangs Allé and in building 1351 will stay at their current locations. The branch in the Nobel Park will be closed down.
  • Centre for Didactics of Social Studies will be located in the main building in continuation of the Department of Law.
  • Possibilities for accommodation of the administrative centre at School of Business and Social Sciences, near departments and centres to be serviced, are currently being investigated.