Aarhus University Seal

Key figures for PhD students

C1. Enrolled PhD students 2011-2014

Number as a 1 October 2011 2012 2013 2014
Arts 340 275 236 250
Science and Technology 791 753 756 695
Health 602 645 639 644
Aarhus BSS 231 227 244 238
Aarhus University, total 1,964 1,900 1,875 1,827
Of whom admitted on the basis of Bachelor's degree (4+4 and3+5 schemes)
Arts 97 81 87
Science and Technology 282 262 242
Health 15 33 57
Aarhus BSS 40 38 35
Aarhus University, total 434 414 421

C2. Approved PhD dissertations 2011-2014

Number 2011 2012 2013 2014
Arts 52 45 61 64
Science and Technology 147 165 181 210
Health 89 110 138 170
Aarhus BSS 45 50 58 46
Aarhus Universitety, total 333 370 438 490

C3. Newly admitted PhD students 2011-2014

Number 2011 2012 2013 2014
Arts 62 52 72 66
Science and Technology 236 202 199 164
Health 174 165 203 166
Aarhus BSS 67 72 74 55
Aarhus University, total 539 491 548 451
Of whom admitted on the basis of Bachelor's degree (4+4 and 3+5 schemes)
Arts 18 14 16
Science and Technology 56 49 50
Health 12 21 18
Aarhus BSS 6 8 8
Aarhus University, total 92 92 92

C4. Additional key figures realting to PhD students in 2014

Years Arts Science and Technology Health Aarhus BSS Total
Age at graduation (median) 35 30 36 32 32
Effective duration of studies 5+3 schemes* 3.9 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2
Effective duration of studies 4+4 schemes* 4.8 4.0 3.6 4.0 4.1
Effective duration of studies 3+5 schemes* - 4.8 - - 4.8
PhD students, women 160 269 396 125 950
PhD students, men 90 426 242 113 871
Study abroad period of 1-3 months 25 50 15 16 106
Study abroad period of at lest 3 months 17 41 27 31 116
PhD student from abroad 42 301 102 72 517

* Effective duration of studies defines by Universities Denmark's statistical service. This definition differs from previous calculations of degree completion times. 

Completion and drop-out rates calculated for students admitted in the PhD programs at Aarhus University in the calender year

Status as of 31 December 2013

COMPLETION AND DROP-OUT 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
AU in total
Number of admitted PhD students in the year 276 316 450 499 499 579 542 497 554
Hereof completed by 31.12-2013 245 277 392 402 326 118 7 0 0
Hereof active by 31.12-2013 0 2 5 14 75 284 477 469 540
Hereof not completed by 31.12-2013 30 36 47 64 69 89 40 24 6
Number of admitted PhD students in the year 64 51 74 83 78 72 61 56 72
Hereof completed by 31.12-2013 50 37 55 51 34 7 0 0 0
Hereof active by 31.12-2013 2 6 1 3 6 35 51 52 70
Hereof not completed by 31.12-2013 12 8 16 23 30 20 10 4 2
Number of admitted PhD students in the year 42 50 77 60 61 79 68 73 76
Hereof completed by 31.12-2013 32 40 61 51 34 22 1 0 0
Hereof active by 31.12-2013 0 0 0 1 15 31 62 68 73
Hereof not completed by 31.12-2013 9 9 15 6 10 15 4 4 1
Number of admitted PhD students in the year 116 128 145 146 164 201 179 166 203
Hereof completed by 31.12-2013 112 117 131 120 104 42 1 0 0
Hereof active by 31.12-2013 0 1 3 5 33 99 154 158 202
Hereof not completed by 31.12-2013 4 10 9 14 13 35 20 8 1
Number of admitted PhD students in the year 83 99 154 210 196 227 234 202 203
Hereof completed by 31.12-2013 70 91 145 180 154 47 5 0 0
Hereof active by 31.12-2013 0 0 1 5 21 119 210 191 195
Hereof not completed by 31.12-2013 13 8 7 21 16 19 6 8




Admitted Number of PhD students admitted in one year


Number of PhD students who at the date of status successfully has completed the PhD defence.


Number of PhD students who at the date of status are registered as active. Both PhD students who are active within the period of enrolment and PhD students who are active after the period of enrolment.
Not completed Number of PhD students who at the date of status are neither active nor completed. That is students whose PhD program is noted to be ended on the date of status at the initiative of either the PhD student or the PhD school without award of the PhD degree.