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Recent events in Africa and the Middle-East make AU’s annual MatchPoints seminar more timely than ever.
Hurry up and make a date in your diary, because the annual Aarhus Boat Race in the University Park is just around the corner!
The teaching environment of the degree programmes at Aarhus
University is being put under the microscope again.
Study diary of an Englishman in New York ...
Aarhus University has entered into a new cooperation agreement with Universidade de São Paolo with a view to arranging student exchanges.
The United Nations The interface between medicine and zoophysiology could become one of the major research fields of the future.
At the official opening of the new International Centre, Crown Prince Frederik joined AU in stressing the importance of “internationalisation”.
Officially opening last week, the new Aarhus University International Centre caters to students’ needs – and then some.
Once again this semester the University International Club (UIC) will be holding a weekly meeting, and in addition a couple of events are being…
Two professors from Aarhus University have recently received Advanced Grants amounting to many million Danish Kroner from the European Research…
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