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The University International Club gave lessons in one of the trickiest of all Danish Christmas traditions: how to weave a Christmas heart. On 5…
Aarhus is a fantastic place to study – a message that is worth passing on to new students as well as the students of the future. A group of…
Each year there are more and more international students in Aarhus, and many of them find it impossible to get home for Christmas.
Wen Ge from China is fascinated by the Danish church reformer and educator N.F.S. Grundtvig, who he has been studying for almost two years at Aarhus…
Apple from China has established a strong friendship with the Sømod family. And the Danish family has learned a lot about China, as well as learning…
AU and Studenterhus Aarhus are repeating the successful "Internationalize with us" programme, which matches Danish families with international…
The new study of job satisfaction at our university is being supplemented by special questions focusing on the reorganisation process. The…
Louise Gade, the Deputy Director of AU HR, hopes that all members of staff will contribute to the process of psychological workplace assessment. This…
Aarhus University’s senior management team supports the working groups and has agreed to a new newspaper with extra resources and the appointment of…
Brazilian Studies is becoming a popular subject, and Aarhus University has increased its collaboration with Brazilian universities. One of the people…
David Vranicar from the USA is a former student of AU, and also used to be the international student writer for UNIvers. He has now written a book…
In the weeks ahead the University International Club is offering a range of events for international staff and their spouses.
Tobias Wang, the recipient of Aarhus University’s Research Communication Award for 2012, loves sharing his knowledge with other people – including…
Who’s in the front line when the university has IT problems? The staff of the AU IT helpdesk, who offer service facilities to both staff and students.…
Students of digital design at AU learn all about theory by carrying out practical assignments. Associate professor Lone Koefoed Hansen has been…
A new interdisciplinary centre will focus on the impact of climate change on the regions at the top of the globe – from the chemical compounds in the…
50 researchers from the School of Engineering got together for two days to find out how climate-friendly construction can be utilised to reduce CO2…
Pickled herrings, fried onions and koldskål. These were just a few of the Danish delicacies offered to new international students at the Danish Food…
The working groups have now prepared their recommendation for what should replace UNIvers. Both the employees and the students still want a joint…
How can universities in Southern Africa and the Nordic countries give each other more help? This was the topic under discussion when 80 researchers…
Facebook and Twitter can be used for much more than simply updating your status and keeping people informed of what you’re doing. In Spain, hundreds…
According to Professor Poul Nissen, Denmark makes life far too difficult for researchers who want to start their career at a Danish University. He…
International students are leaving their home countries in search of better opportunities in Aarhus, Denmark and in Northern Europe.
The International Centre at AU and the Student House invites all international AU students, mentors, tutors and international coordinators to an…
The Presidency of the EU has lost some of its status since the Lisbon Treaty. It now tends to involve keeping good order at meetings rather than…
Aarhus is one of the greenest cities in Denmark, a place where you only have to walk or cycle a few hundred metres to get to the nearest woods,…
Some of the libraries, institutes and administrative departments at ARTS and BSS have already been relocated, while others are still waiting to move…
Excellence 2012 sent a clear signal to the politicians of Europe: research and education are the way to solve the current crisis in Denmark.
The biggest event organised by students in Scandinavia takes place in the University Park on 3 May, and this is one that international students at AU…
On 26 April the winners of this year’s Student Music Awards will be announced at a major competition to be held at Stakladen.
In recent weeks the Danish media have been focusing on freedom of speech and the way issues are debated at Aarhus University. Professor Henrik Kaare…
When you arrive in Denmark you learn quickly that you simply can’t get by without a bike. But what might be less obvious to you is that the Danes tend…
The great Aarhus festival focusing on life in the 18th century is being held at the moment, and a range of events are being conducted in English – as…
The Australian professor Alistair Thomson has gained international acclaim for turning the stories of ordinary people into an important area of…
A new study focuses on three groups of international students, who have been asked what they think about Aarhus University. Some of the respondents…
On 29 February the University International Club is visiting the State and University Library, where hundreds of students and researchers work every…
The university’s largest lecture theatre was full to the brim when more than 500 PhD scholars and supervisors met for Health’s annual PhD Day.
A survival guide to Aarhus, watching the Super Bowl, language exchanges and excursions to Skagen. Studenterhus Aarhus is ready to welcome the 400 new…
Gitte Wichmann-Hansen gave a preview of her new study focusing on PhD supervision at Health’s PhD Day.